
Best Implemented Restoration Project

About the project (provided by the applicant)
This century-old house project is situated in the heart of Rasht city, within its historic fabric. The unique features of this building include its tiled roof and load-bearing walls made of bricks, which have allowed it to stand out and endure for many years. The spatial characteristics of the house include varying room heights, creating an attractive division between the lower and upper half-story rooms. In the face of restoration and renovation challenges, the new residents’ comfort and modern amenities were considered. Essential interior spaces include a kitchen, sanitary facilities, and a semi-open intermediate space that can serve as a multipurpose room. Additionally, addressing the lack of direct communication between the lower half-story and the main courtyard, steps were added to connect them. Externally, a glass-roofed kitchen box was integrated, providing both a direct link to the courtyard and a cozy sitting area.
Unforeseen restoration challenges included damage

Sagharisazan, Rasht, Iran

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials

Roshan Architecture group

Authors of the project
Roshan architecture group

Other participants
Photo Credits:
Presention: Hanie Shafiei

Status of the project

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.