The 7th International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design are now accepting submissions! If you’re a student with innovative ideas related to buildings, structures, or public spaces, this is your chance to shine.

The Golden Trezzini Awards were established in 2018 and are named after Domenico Trezzini, the first architect of St. Petersburg.

Winning projects become museum exhibits, included in the state museum fund of architectural graphics, and displayed at the “Architecture as Art” exhibition.

The awards contribute to preserving and promoting outstanding examples of contemporary architectural creativity and design for future generations.

The honorary chairman of the Awards council is Prof. Mikhail Piotrovsky, the general director of the State Hermitage Museum.

Over 200 experts from 33 countries, including renowned architects like Sir Norman Foster, Santiago Calatrava, Daniel Libeskind, and Mario Botta, select the best works.

Categories for Students:

  • Best Project of Building or Facility by Student
  • Best Project of Public Space by Student

Who Can Participate? Architecture students, graduate students, and recent graduates from architectural universities worldwide.

Submissions are open from February 15 to September 15, 2024. Apply here (participation is free).

The gilded Trezzini statuette awaits the winners. Your project could become part of the annual laureates’ exhibition and be included in the museum collection!

The winners will be revealed on November 15, 2024, at the Gala Ceremony held at the State Hermitage Museum.
If you can’t attend in person, don’t worry—awards will be mailed to you.

Prepare your best projects and submit your applications at Let’s celebrate architectural excellence at the Golden Trezzini Awards! 

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