
St. Petersburg State Conservatory: restoration of the main building


Best Implemented Restoration Project

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The restoration and renovation of the Conservatory commenced in the autumn of 2021, following a series of surveys. In the summer of 2023, the scaffolding that had concealed the facade was finally removed, revealing a meticulous restoration where nearly all of the 2,000 plaster casts and ornaments were preserved. The facades were also returned to their original light beige hue. In the summer of 2024, the Conservatory's interiors, including the House Church, the Main Staircase, and the Small Glazunov Hall, were restored to their former design. The installation of glass domes over two courtyards added 700 square meters of usable space. Additionally, around 1,000 musical instruments were restored, among them Tchaikovsky's celesta, as well as historic furniture, paintings, and sculptures. The Rubinstein Great Hall underwent an acoustic refit.


St. Petersburg, Russia


Project implementation year


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