Restoring ceramic decorations of the tenement house by Nikolay Nikonov  

Best Implemented Façade or Interior Project Using Ceramics

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The tenement house built to the project by Nikolay Nikonov in the end of the 19th century  is a rare example of Eclecticism with elements of the Russian style.

Its facade was designed posh and bright, which makes the building stand out in its environment. Featuring motives of the folk Old Russian architecture and decorated with various kinds of many-colored glazed ceramics,

its front facade has never been restored before. During the cleaning works, they discovered ceramic columns with colorful inserts. The lost tiles were replaced, and the chipped ones were repaired. Rosettes on the bay window were restored in accordance with the surviving samples.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Customer’s Directorate on Renovation and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Memorials

Author of the project
Ajio LLC

Project status

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