INTER-VOID | Mosaic of Knowledge

Best Design Project for Library

About the project (provided by the applicant)
INTER-VOID: Mosaic of Knowledge is a public library set within Seodaemun's evolving urban fabric, artfully merging modern and traditional design elements. Inspired by the district’s dense, mosaic-like patterns, this library serves as both a knowledge hub and social connector. Its central void core acts as a dynamic funnel, channeling knowledge and natural light through the building, offering panoramic views and creating a seamless connection with the surrounding park. The library’s design incorporates open terraces, sustainable wooden frameworks, and innovative green technologies, including solar panels and a stormwater collection system, reinforcing its commitment to environmental stewardship. As a dynamic social connector, INTER-VOID bridges historical and contemporary contexts, fostering community engagement and facilitating a continuous flow of ideas and cultural exchange.

Seodaemun, Seoul, South Korea

Project design year

Extra visual materials

At SUPERSPACE, we create environments that blend art, play & technology, addressing urban challenges like heat islands & biodiversity loss. We go beyond architecture, leveraging renewable technologies & circular design for affordable sustainability. Our vision redefines urban living, promoting sustainable lifestyles that nurture body, mind, and soul. By understanding the impact of spaces on habits & emotions, we foster sustainable social interactions intertwined with nature & technology.

Author of the project

Seoul Metropolitan

Other participants
Collaboration with M2 Architects

Status of the project
Conceptual design

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.