Eco-friendly criteria development for landscaping projects

Best Project of Public Space by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)
This proposal is the practical testing of the theory developed by Maria — a set of eco criteria to be followed in landscaping projects. Here, the designer worked with an abandoned railway section in St. Petersburg. Aiming to improve the environment not only for people, but for birds, insects, and plants, she suggested arrangement of green recreation premises within the city. This project includes a linear park and a natural park connected with a green bridge. Moreover, the author used landscaping layout principles and preserved the identity of the region by using its endemic plants. The design site borders on some abandoned warehouses, and these have also been included into the project and readjusted for the new functions.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project design year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Maria Devesilova, MBA and BA in landscaping architecture

Author of the project
Nadezhda Kerimova, Ph. D. in Agriculture, Associate Professor at Architecture Environment Design Department — Scientific Supervisor

Project status
Design concept

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