Yard Landscaping Project, Burtseva Street

Best Student’s Project of Public Space

About the Project
An urban yard isn’t an inviting space for people anymore. What are its functions? First, it serves as a crossing point of different routes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a network of drives and footpaths, use different surface materials and alleviate the pedestrian/vehicle tension. Having a parking lot within a yard is quite plausible. However, it should be properly organized to compensate for the inconvenience – for example, by creating a green buffer zone, which is the second integral part of a yard. Green well-tended spaces improve air quality, prevent overheating of the building’s south side and ensure psychological comfort. The project suggests slight changes to the existing landscaping by thinning out diseased trees and adding lower ones. Next, a yard provides residents of different age groups with places for leisure. So, there’s a need for various play areas and recreational spaces.

St. Petersburg,  Burtseva Street 1, 3, 5, 7

Olga Rozova, student, Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering