Reconstruction of Historical Development, Nizhny Novgorod

Best Student’s Project of Public Space

About the project
Today, extension of green recreation zones against the tight urban development is especially important. The task of the project was to establish a network of interrelated public spaces and integrate the citizens’ interests in a new point of attraction. Moreover, the point was to extend recreation and investment opportunities of the city.

The district will feature a modern multi-leveled space with dynamic perimeters, green side lanes, seating places, a general pedestrian zone, and a central square for active rest and events. Bionic green shapes here seem to oppose monumentality of urban development.

The central square is the heart of the district. Combinations of plants ensure visual and sensory attractiveness throughout the year.

Nizhny Novgorod, Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street.

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Anna Demina, 5thyear student, the Nizhny Novgorod Architectural and Engineering University.