Mitti ke Rang / «Clay and colours of clay»

Best Implemented Interior Design Project Using Works of Art

About the project
The restaurant facilitates the basic human need of socialising with social distancing in an ambience that respects the earth following the philosophy of biophilia. We used organic materials especially clay, local craft and labour. Clay was mixed with dye extracted from the flower of the kesudo-Flame of forest tree, turmeric, and organic ingredients to birth a glorious golden coloured plaster (surface application). The project is an attempt to acknowledge the consumerism of today’s world and contribute to minimising the waste generated by prevalent urban attitudes and lifestyles. The texture of the plastered surface bears a handcrafted (hand movement rhythm) look and wave-like designs. The central material is ably supported by recycled wood, reclaimed jute, unfired clay vessels and terracotta tableware. The windows bring in plenty of sunlight that combines with earthy colours, subtle textures and the freshness of plants to creates an energised experience. 

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Project implementation year

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Project 3D-tour

Project video

Additional information
Volume zero
Travel and leisure

Applicant and authors of the project
The Grid Architects (Snehal Suthar and Bhadri Suthar).
«Our buildings have a direct impact on our psychological, biological, and sociological wellbeing. Our philosophy Biophilic design: the design that seeks „the innate emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms“. Generating a biophilic skin that positions the project at an equilibrium between the built and the natural world. we hope that’s the kind of future we can contribute towards. The practice of heartfulness has helped us elevate our consciousness reflecting in our design

Other participants
The client was a potter for generations, so he and his family were the participants in helping to experiment and create the organic paste and even in the application on the walls and ceilings. The painting on the walls too done with their help. The material development and research were done on site, and the design team takes pride in the fact that no artificial pigment or additives were used in the process reducing the carbon footprint. The hero of the entire narrative is clay.