Clouds Pavilion & Emerald

Best Art in Outdoor Public Space

About the project
The author advocates geometric thinking to express the oriental mood,and uses architectural site elements to echo the work.
The purpose of placing «Clouds Pavilion» at the entrance of the ceremony is to imitate the fun side of the ancient literati courtyard. Through the layout of the three-entry courtyard, a modern artistic screen wall is placed.
“Emerald” is a perfect match with the original «raindrop» in architectural design.

Dongguan, Guangdong, China

Project implementation year

Project website

Applicant and author of the project
GOGAR (GZ) Digital Fabrication Technology Co. Ltd. has always been unremitting the pursuit of goals and design concepts to bring innovation, artistic and cultural sensitivity to commercial, residential and public art works orientated with our original concept of abstractionism, cross-boundary, creative design and beyond, together with digital techniques
in material structure and construction.
Project by Chen Zhao.