On April 19, 2023, the major building of the National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, hosted a conference entitled 'Topical Issues of Library Architecture and Design'. It became a place to discuss the place and role architects and designers have in the construction and renovation of public libraries. 

Jorge Luis Veliz Quintana, architect from Cuba and winner of the 2022 Golden Trezzini Awards, was among the online speakers of the conference. Mr. Veliz delivered a presentation on the concept of Root House Library & Botanical Research Center.

Root House Library is intended for a facility specializing in the study of botany, mainly in places far from civilization and hostile environments, with the aim of adapting to them and promoting the growth of vegetation through scientific techniques that promote rapid plant growth. Functioning as a fertile planting machine and at the same time studying and monitoring these different techniques and processes, the architecture of the future must be designed with construction technologies of the future. Structures cover pronounced spans to have less contact with the ground, these constructions are designed for the future with access by aerial vehicles. Double skin embraces the entire building with solar panels that cover the energy needs of the building. The roof captures every drop of rain at the right time and uses them for vegetation.

The conference was organized by the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club in collaboration with the Organizing Committee of the International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design and the National Library of Russia.

The conference also became a place to showcase projects of libraries in Russia and overseas that competed for the title of the Best Design Project for Library during the Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design in 2021—2022.

Let us recall that entries are now open for the 2023 edition of the Golden Trezzini Awards.

«Best Design Project for Library» is one of the key categories of the Awards. We accept design projects of public libraries (new construction and renovation), interior visualization is required.

Being a truly international competition, the Awards welcome nominees from all over the world. Application is free of charge. File your online application here.

And one more thing: the aim of the Awards is turning the most artistically architecture and design projects into museum objects. The winners’ projects are added to the collection of the Architectural Graphics Fund of the Museum of St. Petersburg History and take part in an annual exhibition 'Architecture as Art'.

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