On September 15 at 23:59 Moscow time (GMT+3), applications for the Fifth International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design will be closed. The finalists are to be announced on October 12.

The online application form is available at https://www.goldtrezzini.ru/en/application2022/. As always, participation is free of charge for all categories of nominees.

The organizers urge potential nominees who are still planning to take part, not to postpone submitting their projects until the last hours. Thus, you will avoid possible technical issues caused by the peak load on the site.

A constantly updated list of approved projects is posted at https://www.goldtrezzini.ru/en/nominees2022/. Currently, the accepted projects are already being evaluated by the experts of the Qualification Committee, and this stage will continue until October 10, as the last applications are being processed simultaneously. We remind the nominees that the processing time for submitted projects is up to 14 days.

Based on the results of the projects evaluation, the Qualification Committee will form a short list of the finalists, which will be published on October 12. Of the finalists, the international Golden Trezzini Jury will select the winners. Their names will be announced on November 15 during the ceremony in the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

At the same time, until November 1, a users’ voting is taking place on the Golden Trezzini website — separately and independently of the voting of the Qualification Committee and the Jury. The leading project will receive a special “People’s Choice” award, the laureate to be announced on November 15 along with the winners in the main categories. To vote for the preferred project, a site user only has to click the “like” icon under the description and confirm the vote via the link in the email.

The Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design, established in 2018, are named after Domenico Trezzini (1670—1734), Russian architect of Swiss origin, the first architect of St. Petersburg. The Honorary Chairman of the International Council of the Awards is Mikhail Piotrovsky, director of the State Hermitage.

The motto of the Awards is «Architecture as Art». The aim of the Awards is turning the most artistically valuable architectural, design, restoration, scenography, and exhibition projects into museum objects. The Golden Trezzini winning projects, selected by more than 230 experts from 34 countries are transformed into museum exhibits in order to keep and showcase their historical, cultural, scientific and artistic value the best way.

The Golden Trezzini Awards Gala ceremony will take place on November, 15, 2022 in St. Petersburg.

Photo: 2022 Golden Trezzini nominee, private house project 'Melancholia' (Saratov, Russia) by architect Evgeniy Martyshkin.

2022 Golden Trezzini Awards partners: Strategic partner of the awarding is Etalon Group, Official partners of the Gala evening are Rosseti FGC UES, KADO, and LenRusStroy Construction Corporation. See https://www.goldtrezzini.ru/en/2022partners/ for the complete list of partners.

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