All 2020 Nominees

2020 Finalists

2020 Golden Certificates, special certificates & Honourable Mention Certificates

Winners in Main Categories

1. Best Architectural Design for a Museum

Museum in Xingfu (Sichuan Province, China), IND architects


2. Best Implemented Project of Temporary or Permanent Museum Exposition

“Studio 44. Enfilade” Exhibition (St. Petersburg, Russia), Vitruvius and Sons


3. Best Implemented Restoration / Reconstruction Project

Conservation and restoration of the interiors, Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Catherine Palace (St. Petersburg, Russia), Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site


4. Best Project of Premium or Business Class Residential Estate

Meltzer Hall (St. Petersburg, Russia) Studio 44 architectural bureau, developer: Alfa Faberge


5. Best Constructed Premium or Business Class Residential Estate

EGODOM on Novoalekseevskaya street (Moscow, Russia), Sergey Skuratov Architects


6. Best Project of Comfort Class Residential Estate

Zomerhofkwartier (Rotterdam, Netherlands), ECHO Urban Design, Orange Architects, Moederscheim Moonen, More Architects, Studio Nauta, Leyten & Stebru


7. Best Constructed Comfort Class Residential Estate

Wohnregal (Berlin, Germany), FAR frohn & rojas


8. Best Project of Public Building or Facility

SML, Senezh Management Lab (Moscow Region, Russia), MADMA urbanism+landscape


9. Best Constructed Public Building or Facility

The PolyCuboid (Himeji, Japan), KTX archiLAB


10. Best Project of Public Space

Book Store at Ligovsky 105 for St. Petersburg Book Shop Trade Company (St. Petersburg, Russia), Spirin architects


11. Best Implemented Project of Public Space

New Holland Island — Phase II (St. Petersburg, Russia), West 8


12. Best Project of Private Residence

Boundless house (Leningrad Region, Russia), D12 architectural studio and architect Tatyana Solovyova


13. Best Constructed Private Residence

Castaños House (Buenos Aires, Argentina), architects María Belén García Bottazzini and Ekaterina Künzel


14. Best Landscaping and Green Beautification Project

Anikin (Penza, Russia), DEREVO PARK studio


15. Best Implemented Landscaping and Green Beautification Project

MLC — Nicholas Learning Centre Rooftop Garden (Melbourne, Australia), Taylor Cullity Lethlean (TCL)


16. Best Implemented Apartment / Private House Interior Design Project

Interior design with background (Moscow, Russia), Oleg Klodt architecture & design


17. Best Architectural Project by a Student

Dzhyly Su Brine Water Spa (Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia), Kantemir Eziyev, SPbGASU


18. Best Project of Public Space by a Student

Architectural concept of a modern urban cemetery (Chelyabinsk, Russia), Artem Sidorov, Sourth Ural University of Architecture and Engineering


19. Best Implemented Façade or Interior Project Using Ceramics

Porcelain Interior of All Saints Church Memorial (Minsk, Belarus), architect Maxim Vinnitsky


20. Best Implemented Interior Design Project Using Works of Art

Fading beauty (Moscow, Russia), architect Alexey Bochkov

Winners in Special Categories*

Special prize from YIT for the Best Organisation of Architectural Environment for Sustainable Urban Development

Architectural Concept for the Development of a Former Industrial Site on the Kozhevennaya Line (St. Petersburg, Russia), KLAUZURA architectural bureau


Special Lazar Khidekel Prize for the Best Innovative Architectural Project

Aviation and Astronautics History Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia), Alexandra Lyapkalo & Maxim Subbotin


Premio del Pubblico (People's Choice Award)

Ethereal. Reconstruction of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral (Paris, France), Sergio Ortín Molina


Best Example of Social-oriented Landscape Design in the Leningrad Region

Novoye Gorelovo Play Hub (Leningrad Region, Russia), LenRusStroy building company


Best Project of a Recreation Area as a Part of a Residential Complex

Autograph in the Center (St. Petersburg, Russia), Setl Group


For Combining of Architectural Traditions and New Technologies

Petrovskaya Dominanta — Peter’s Highlight (St. Petersburg, Russia), Etalon Group


For the Creation of a Transportation Object of High Artistic Value

Aviamotornaya Metro Station (Moscow, Russia), Metrogiprotrans JSC

*Winners determined in a special order, separately from the Jury voting

All 2020 Nominees

2020 Finalists

2020 Golden Certificates, special certificates & Honourable Mention Certificates

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