The International Council

Mikhail Piotrovsky
President of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club, General Director of the State Hermitage, Honourary Chairman of the International Council of the Golden Trezzini Awards.
Evgeny Grigoriev
Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg, Cochairman of the International Council of the Golden Trezzini Awards.
Vladimir Zapevalov
General Director of “Inpredservis” State Unitary Enterprise, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the 1st class, Honourary Worker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, Cochairman of the International Council of the Golden Trezzini Awards.
Natalia Sidorkevich
Chairwoman of the Board of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club.
Michele Foletti
Mayor of the City of Lugano (Switzerland).
Norman Robert Foster
Lord Foster of Thames Bank OM, Executive Chairman of Foster and Partners, President of the Norman Foster Foundation.
Elena Ochoa Foster
Lady Foster of Thames Bank, Founder and CEO of Ivorypress, Vice President of the Norman Foster Foundation.
Ilya Kabakov (1933—2023)
Emilia Kabakov
Artist, art curator.
HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak
Chairman of the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi.
Marina Loshak
Director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in 2013-2023.
Elena Kalnitskaya
General Director of The Peterhof State Museum-Reserve.
Olga Taratynova
Director of Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site.
Vera Dementieva
Director of Pavlovsk State Museum-Reserve, PhD in Art History.
Vasily Pankratov
Director of Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum, President of ICOM Russia.
Vladimir Kirillov
Director of the Suvorov Memorial Museum.
Vladimir Gusev
President of the State Russian Museum.
Vladimir Grigoriev
General Director of the State Museum of St. Petersburg History, President of St. Petersburg Union of Architects. Distinguished RF Architect.
Sergey Makarov
Deputy General Director of the State Hermitage.
Richard Armstrong
Director Emeritus of Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
Timothy Potts
Director of J. Paul Getty Museum.
Larry Gagosian
Owner of Gagosian. Photo: Nick Harvey/WireImage. Courtesy Gagosian.
Diana Vishneva
Ballet dancer, principal dancer at the Mariinsky theatre, National RF Artist, Founder and Art Director of the international festival of contemporary choreography Context. Diana Vishneva.
Martine Gosselink
General Director of the Mauritshuis (The Hague).
Stella Rollig
Scientific Director and CEO of Belvedere Museum Vienna.
Klaus Albrecht Schröder
General Director of the Albertina Museum Vienna and the Albertina Modern.
James M. Bradburne
Co-founder and Executive Director of Circles Squared, former General Director of the Pinacoteca di Brera and Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense.
Suzanne Pagé
Artistic Director at the Fondation Louis Vuitton (Paris).
Alexander Klar
Director of the Hamburger Kunsthalle.
Susanna Pettersson
Director General of Nationalmuseum, Sweden, Associate Professor in Museology.
Marja Sakari
Director of the Ateneum Art Museum, the Finnish National Gallery (Helsinki).
Kai Kartio
Director and CEO of Amos Rex Museum (Helsinki).
Alexander Sholokhov
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Sergey Korneev
Chairman of St. Petersburg Committee for Tourism Development.
Vladimir Tsoy
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad Region, Chairman of the Committee for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage.
Dmitry Shvidkovsky
President of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Rector of Moscow Architectural Institute (MArchI), Distinguished RF Cultural Professional, laureate of the State Prize of the RF.
Natalia Fishman-Bekmambetova
Advisor to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Head of the Eurasian branch of World Urban Parks.
Thomas Vonier
President of the International Union of Architects (UIA), member of FAIA, RIBA.
Nikolay Shumakov
President of the Union of Architects of Russia and the Union of Moscow Architects, National RF Architect, member of the Board of the International Union of Architects (UIA).
Sergei Garmonin
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Switzerland.
Dmitry Lubinsky
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Austria.
Krystyna Marty Lang
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to the Russian Federation.
Hansjörg Meier
Consul General of Switzerland in St.Petersburg.
Pascal Sliwanski
Consul General of France in St. Petersburg, Director of the French Institute in St. Petersburg.
Kwon Dong Seok
Consul General of the Republic of Korea in St.Petersburg.
Konstantin Sukhenko
Representative of the Governor of St. Petersburg in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.
Lorenzo Trezzini
Chief Financial Officer at Repower AG (Switzerland), descendant of Domenico Trezzini.

International Experts Section

Daniel Libeskind
Founder and Principal Design Architect for Studio Libeskind, Jury Member of the Lazar Khidekel Award.
Mario Botta
Principal of Mario Botta Architetti Studio.
Toyo Ito
Architect, 2013 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate.
Massimiliano Fuksas
Architect, co-founder of Studio Fuksas, Hon. FAIA, Hon. FRIBA.
Eduardo Souto de Moura
Architect, 2011 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate.
Ricardo Bofill (1939—2022)
Founder and Chairman of Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura.
Ben van Berkel
Professor, AA Dipl. (Hons), Hon. FAIA, (F)RIBA, founder/Principal Architect of UNStudio, founder of UNSense (Amsterdam).
Flavio Manzoni
Chief Design Officer, Ferrari SPA.
Tadao Kamei
President and CEO, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Fabrice Rousseau
Cultural Counselor to the French Embassy in Russia, Director of the French Institute in Russia.
Rodney Mims Cook, Jr.
President of the National Monuments Foundation (USA), CEO of the Millennium Gate Museum (Atlanta).
Rainer Vollkommer
President of the Winckelmann Society with Winckelmann-Museum, PhD, Honorary Professor for Ancient History under consideration of the material artefacts at the Technische Universität Dresden, former Director of the Liechtenstein National Museum.
Barry Bergdoll
Meyer Schapiro Professor of Modern Architectural History at Columbia University, Curator in the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art (New York).
Sir Philippe Samyn
Doctor in Applied Sciences, Architect, Civil Engineer and Urbanist, member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Science, Art and Literature, Lead and Design Partner of architecture and engineering practice Samyn and Partners (Brussels).
Jean-Paul Viguier
Founding director of VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage (Paris), architect DPLG, Hon. FAIA, MCP UD Harvard, Sachs Fellow, RIBA, Member of the Académie d’Architecture.
Paul Williams
Architect, Founder and Principal Director of Stanton Williams (London), OBE, Royal Designer for Industry, RIBA.
Peter Morrison
Chief Executive Officer of RMJM (Edinburgh).
Hussam Chakouf
Senior Associate at Zaha Hadid Architects (London).
Stephen Barrett
Architect, Partner of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (London).
Nicola Fontanella
Founder and Creative Director of Argent Design (London, Miami, Australia).
Richard Gluckman
FAIA, founder and Partner of Gluckman Tang Architects (New York).
Rick Bell
Adjunct Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Center for Buildings, Infrastructure and Public Space of Columbia University (New York City), FAIA.
Mark Khidekel
Architect, designer, PhD, New York State RA, member of the AIA, Chairman of Lazar Khidekel Society (New York) and Lazar Khidekel Award for young architects.
Jean-Louis Cohen
Architect, historian, curator, Sheldon H. Solow Professor of the History of Architecture at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts, visiting professor at the Collège de France in Paris.
Boris Groys
Philosopher, art theorist, essayist, Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies at New York University.
Anna Ramos
Director of the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Architect and Associate Professor at Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB-UPC.
François Mairesse
Professor of Museology, Head of UNESCO Chair on the Study of Museum Diversity and its Evolution at Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris), former President of the International Committee for Museology of ICOM (ICOFOM).
Bruno Brulon Soares
Professor of Museology at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), President of the International Committee for Museology of ICOM (ICOFOM).
Puay-peng Ho
Architect, Architecture Historian, Conservation Architect, UNESCO Chair on Architecture Heritage Conservation and Management in Asia, Professor and Head of the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore.
Matthias Henkel
CEO of Embassy of Culture (Berlin), Visiting Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing), President of the International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations of ICOM.
Oya Atalay Franck
Architect, architectural historian, President of the European Association for Architectural Education EAAE, Professor of Architecture and Dean of the School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering at Zürich University of Applied Sciences.
Jeff Daly
Museum designer and consultant, Principal of Jeff Daly Design, retired Chief of Design at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York).
Aaron Betsky
Director of the School of Architecture and Design at Virginia Tech University, critic on art, architecture and design.
Max Dudler
Architect, Professor of Düsseldorf Art Academy, founder of Max Dudler firm (Berlin, Zurich, Frankfurt am Main, Munich).
Ole Gustavsen
Rector of Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Rector of Nordic Baltic Academy of Architecture, Partner of Snøhetta (Oslo, New York, San Francisco, Innsbruck, Paris, Stockholm).
Harriet Harriss
Architect, PhD in Architecture, Dean of Pratt Institute School of Architecture (New York), RIBA, PFHEA.
John Quale
Chair and Professor of Architecture at the University of New Mexico School of Architecture + Planning, Founder and Director of ecoMOD Project.
Jacques White
Architect, Professor, Director of the School of Architecture at Laval University (Quebec City).
Lorraine Farrelly
Architect, Head of Architecture, Foundation Professor in Architecture, University of Reading (UK), Chair of SCHOSA – representative body of UK Schools of Architecture.
Matt Gaskin
Head of the School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University.
Beth Hughes
Head of Architecture, Royal College of Art (London).
Andrew Stone
Head of the Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University.
Nicolas Pham
Architect, Professor of Architecture and Head of Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (Geneva HEPIA).
Dietmar Eberle
Professor of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, founder of Baumschlager Eberle Architekten (with 12 offices in Europe and Asia).
Valerio Olgiati
Architect, Professor at the Accademia di architettura in Mendrisio at the Università della Svizzera Italiana.
Sergei Tchoban
Architect, head of SPEECH (Moscow) and Tchoban Voss Architekten (Berlin) architectural offices, member of BDA, the Union of Architects of Russia, the Union of Artists of Russia, IAAM Academician, Honourary Academician of Russian Academy of Arts.
Martin Jochman
Dip. Arch. (Bristol), ARB (UK) RIBA, Founder and Senior Director of JADE+QA and JADE (UK) Ltd. (London, Hong Kong, Shanghai).
Ana Betancour
Visiting Professor of Architecture at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Associate Professor at Malmö University.
Erwin Viray
Architectural Critic, Professor of Architecture, Head (Dean) of Architecture and Sustainable Design Pillar, Singapore University of Technology and Design.
Teemu Kurkela
Architect SAFA, Founder and Creative Partner of JKMM Architects (Helsinki).
Antti Ahlava
Architect SAFA, Principal at helsinkizürich Architects, Professor of Emergent Design Methodologies at Aalto University, Helsinki.
Rainer Mahlamäki
Architect SAFA, co-founder and Partner at Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects (Helsinki), Professor of Contemporary Architecture at Oulu University.
Juho Grönholm
Co-founder and partner at ALA Architects (Helsinki), member of the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA).
Kolja Nielsen
Founding Partner of CEBRA architecture (Denmark, UAE), member of the Danish Association of Architects (MAA), RIBA.
Madeleine Isabelle Lüthi
Founder and President of Helenika culture and science international collaboration center, Honourary Consul General of Switzerland in St. Petersburg (1998-2006).
Henriette Borg Reinholdt
Director of the Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sani Kontula-Webb
Art historian, Director of the Finnish Institute in St. Petersburg.
Günther Hasenkamp
Director of the Goethe-Institut in St. Petersburg.
Volker Staab
Architect, Professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig, founder and Principal Architect of Staab Architekten (Berlin).
Christoph Ingenhoven
Principal of Ingenhoven Architects (Düsseldorf), Dipl.-Ing. Architect BDA, RIBA, AIA int.
Francine Houben
Founding Partner/CEO and Creative Director of Mecanoo architecten (Delft), Int. FRIBA, Hon. FAIA, Hon. FRAIC, Doctor honoris causa Utrecht University/Université de Mons.
Michiel Riedijk
Architect, Director at Neutelings Riedijk Architects, Professor of Public Building at Delft University of Technology.
Ralf Pasel
Professor, Dipl-Ing., Head of Chair for Architectural Design and Construction at the Technical University of Berlin, co-founder of Pasel.Künzel Architects (Rotterdam).
Frederik Künzel
Professor, Dipl-Ing., Munich University of Applied Science (MUAS), сo-founder of Pasel.Künzel Architects (Rotterdam).
Ahmet Vefik Alp
Professor Emeritus, Architect, Urbanist, Founder & Principal of Alp Mimarlar Tasarim Ltd., AIA, RIBA, Istanbul President of the International Academy of Architecture.
Arda İnceoğlu
Professor of Architecture, Founding Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture at MEF University (Istanbul).
Marcos Mazari Hiriart
Architect, Dean of the School of Architecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, President of the Mexican Association of Institutions for Architectural Education and of the Latin American Union of Schools and Faculties of Architecture.
Ivan Cabrera i Fausto
PhD Arch. ETSA-UPV, Dean of the Valencia School of Architecture, President of the Spanish Association of Schools of Architecture and Chair of the EAAE-ARCC International Conference & 2nd VIBRArch.
Philippa Nyakato Tumubweinee
Co-founder and Director of IZUBA in Africa Architects, PhD in Higher Education Studies, Head of School of Architecture, Planning & Geomatics, University of Cape Town.
Sung-Taeg Nam
Architect, PhD EPFL, Professor at the School of Architecture, Hanyang University, Seoul Campus.
Daniel Silberfaden
Architect, Dean and Head of the School of Architecture at the University of Palermo (Buenos Aires) and Professor at the School of Architecture, La Plata University.
Qi Zhou
Architect, Professor of Architecture at Southeast University (Nanjing).
Li Xiaodong
Architect, Principal of Li Xiaodong Atelier, Professor of Tsinghua University (Beijing).
Xie Peihe
Founder & Chief Designer of AD Architecture (Shenzhen).
Abha Narain Lambah
Conservation architect, museum consultant, Principal Architect at Abha Narain Lambah Associates (Mumbai).
Percy Adil Pithawala
Architect, artist, founder of The Red Studio (Baroda, India).
Julie Willis
Architectural historian, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor of Architecture, Dean at the University of Melbourne, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning.
Andrew Leach
Architectural historian, Professor of Architecture, Associate Dean (Research) at the University of Sydney, School of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Mohsen Moosavi
Architect at RAHSHAHR-CANADA, Postdoctoral in Architecture, Professor of Architecture at the University of Mazandaran, Iran.
Nicola Braghieri
Professor of Digital Fine Arts at the Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), founder of EX-M architectes (Geneva).
Yukio Hashimoto
Interior designer, Principal of Hashimoto Yukio Design Studio Inc. (Tokyo).
Adélaïde Marchi
Co-founder of Marchi Architects (Paris), laureate of the New Albums for Young Architects (2008), Top ten for the Iakov Chernikhov International Prize (2014), laureate of the Architecture Prize from the Academy of Fine Arts of the French Institute (2016).
Nicola Marchi
Co-founder of Marchi Architects (Paris), laureate of the New Albums for Young Architects (2008), Top ten for the Iakov Chernikhov International Prize (2014), laureate of the Architecture Prize from the Academy of Fine Arts of the French Institute (2016).
Tristan Kobler
Dipl. Arch. ETH, SIA, AKB, co-founder of the architecture studio Holzer Kobler Architekturen (Zürich/Berlin).
Fedor Bron
Associate Director at MVRDV (Rotterdam).
Olga Bolshanina
Associate Partner at Herzog & de Meuron (Basel).
Aat Vos
Creative guide, architect, speaker on the subject of third place development, Creative Director at aatvos b.v. (Netherlands).
Raffaele Gambassi
Architect, General Director of the Raffaele Gambassi architectural studio (Siena).
Alessandro Rocca
Professor of Architectural and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano.
Elsa Garavaglia
Associate Professor in Solid Mechanics at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.
Benedikt Brönnimann
Managing Director of UB Umbau-Service AG and CEO of BRB Baumanagement GmbH, Professor at IBZ.
Jan Skuratowski
Owner of Jan Skuratowski Architektur (Basel), member of SIA.
Igor Dukhan
Professor and Head of Arts at the Belarusian State University, PhD, member of the European Society of Culture, ICOM, the International Union of Designers, Visiting Professor at the Bauhaus.
Martina Bigliardi Möhr
Founding Member of the Lazar Khidekel Society, Banking & Finance (Switzerland).

Architecture, Renovation, Institutions Section

Sergey Skuratov
Head of Sergey Skuratov Architects, IAA Academician, professor at Moscow Architectural Institute (MArchI) and MARCH Architecture School, member of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat of Canada and the USA.
Andrey Bokov
PhD in Architecture, vice-president of the International Academy of Architecture, National RF Architect, academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences.
Svetlana Zhurova
Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Olga Cherdantseva
Head of the Competences Centre for Formation of Comfortable Urban Environment of the Committee for City Improvement of the Government of St. Petersburg, member of the Board of the Association of Landscape Architects of Russia.
Ivan Uralov
Professor, Distinguished RF Artist, State Councilor of St. Petersburg 1st Grade, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.
Boris Kirikov (1948—2022)
Architectural historian, PhD in Art History, Honourary member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), Distinguished RF Cultural Professional, State Councilor of St. Petersburg 1st Grade.
Margarita Stieglitz
Professor of Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, Vice-President of the National Council of ICOMOS, member of the Council for the Protection of Cultural Heritage under the Government of St. Petersburg, academician of RAASN.
Elizaveta Fokina
CEO of Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno.
Irina Prokhorova
Literary critic, Editor-in-chief of the New Literary Observer magazine and publishing house, co-founder of the Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Fund. Public figure, radio host.
Zoya Chalova
Director of Vladimir Mayakovsky Central City Public Library, President of St. Petersburg Library Society, Distinguished Cultural Professional of Russian SFSR, Veteran of Labour.
Pavel Prigara
Director of Manege Central Exhibition Hall (St. Petersburg) in 2016-2022.
Olga Khomova
General Director of St. Petersburg Capella, Chairwoman of the Board of theUnion of Concert Organizations of Russia.
Ekaterina Artyushkina
CEO at Petersburg Concert, a St. Petersburg state budgetary institution of culture.
Alexander Borovsky
Head of the Contemporary Art Department of the State Russian Museum, Distinguished RF Cultural Professional, winner of Kandinsky Prize.
Ilia Doronchenkov
Deputy Director for Research at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Professor of the Department of Art History of the European University at St. Petersburg.
Irina Abrosimova
First Deputy Director of Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum.
Alexey Boyko
PhD in Art History, Leading Methodologist for Museum Education Activity at the State Russian Museum, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in literature and arts.
Lev Lurie
PhD in History, journalist, writer.
Alexander Potekhin
Chairman of the Association of Media of the North-West of Russia, Director of TASS North-West regional information centre.
Dmitry Sherikh
Journalist, historian, editor-in-chief of Sankt-Peterburgskiye Vedomosti newspaper, chairman of St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia, winner of Antsiferov Prize (2007).
Eduard Tiktinsky
President of RBI Group, an expert on historical center reconstruction, founder of RBI School of Future Leaders, member of the Board of Trustees of the World Club of Petersburgers.
Oleg Romanov
Honourary President of St. Petersburg Union of Architects, Professor at the School of Architecture of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU), Distinguished RF Architect.
Vyacheslav Fatin
President of the Russian Union of Renovators, Acting Head of the Main Administration for Service to the Diplomatic Corps (GlavUpDK).
Nina Shangina
Chairwoman of the Board of St. Petersburg Union of Renovators, Master of Engineering, professor.
Alexander Danilin
Honourary Builder of Gosstroy, Distinguished RF Builder, Honourary Renovator of Moscow, Academician of the Academy of Architectural Heritage, Honourary Member of the Russian Union of Renovators, PhD in Economics.
Taissia Volftrub
Chief Landscape Architect at Empire. Architecture. Interior architectural company, President of the Association of Landscape Architects of Russia, member of the World Council of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA).
Sergey Kulikov
Architect, renovator, Chief Architect at the Central Scientific Restoration Design Workshops of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, member of the Presidium of Russian Union of Renovators, member of ICOMOS National Committee.
Anton Ivanov
Chairman of the Council of St. Petersburg City Branch of All-Russian Society for Protection of Monuments of History and Culture (VOOPIK).
Irina Semyonova
Director of the Leningrad Regional Universal Science Library.
Eugene Asse
Architect, artist, founder and Dean of MARCH Architecture School.
Mikhail Belov
Architect, professor at the Moscow Architectural Institute (MArchI).
Sviatoslav Gaikovich
Head of STUDIO-17 Architectural Bureau, Honourary Architect of Russia, Academician of the International Academy of Architecture, Vice President of St. Petersburg Union of Architects, ICOMOS member.
Yuriy Zemtsov (1938—2024)
Head of Zemtsov, Kondiayn & Partners Architectural Bureau, LCC, Distinguished RF Architect, laureate of State Prizes of RSFSR and RF, acting member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN).
Nikita Yaveyn
Head of Studio 44 Architects, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, an acting member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences.
Mikhail Mamoshin
Vice-president of St. Petersburg Union of Architects, academician in Architecture (IAAM, RAACS, Russian Academy of Arts).
Sergey Oreshkin
Distinguished RF Architect, IAAM academician, Vice-president of St. Petersburg Union of Architects, member of St. Petersburg City Planning Council, founder and head of A.Len Architectural bureau.
Vyacheslav Ukhov
Distinguished RF Architect, Vice-president of St. Petersburg Union of Architects, Professor of the Department of Architecture of St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, CEO of Ukhov Architectural Studio.
Sergey Padalko
Architect, Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture of St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Professor of IAAM, member of St. Petersburg City Planning Council.
Maxim Atayants
Architect, artist, architecture history teacher, Distinguished RF Architect.
Vladimir Linov
Professor of the International Academy of Architecture, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU), Distinguished RF Architect.
Fedor Perov
PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU).
Yulia Devyatova
Associate Professor at the School of Architecture of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU).
Philipp Nikandrov
Chief Architect of GORPROJEKT Institute.
Andrey Asadov
Architect, Director of ASADOV Bureau, Vice-president of the Union of Architects of Russia.
Oleg Manov
Architect, Director of FUTURA-ARCHITECTS Studio, member of the Committee for Urban Studies, Town Planning and Architecture (RGUD), member of the Board of St. Petersburg Union of Architects.
Konstantin Novikov
Architect, co-founder of Yudin & Novikov architectural bureau.
Alexander Strugach
Architect, infrastructure consultant. CEO & founder at SAB, LLC, founder of “Soviet Architecture” (ru_sovarch) internet-project and “Research Institute for Bridges Architecture” (NIIAM).
Konstantin Likholat
Head of KeramArch Museum of Art Pottery, art historian, renovator, founder of Pallada Company.
Yaroslav Pavlov
Rector of IMISP Business School.
Svetlana Kuropatkina
Vice-rector for External Relations of the Art and Technology Institute (VKHUTEIN), member of the Board of “All Facets of Life” autonomous non-profit organization.
Igor Albin
Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Bank GPB (JSC), former Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
Mikhail Levin
Director of Moscow School of Contemporary Art, programme leader of CPD Contemporary art, artist.
Anna Mikhaylova
Founder and Director of Ideas for Museums non-profit organization.
Ksenia Malich
PhD in Art History, architectural historian, Associate Professor at the School of Design of Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg.
Polina Bondareva
Founder of Masters School.
Andrey Terebenin
Managing Partner, Sistema Asia Fund (India).
Mikhail Lukianov
Owner and CEO of RSK LLC design organization, member of the Lazar Khidekel Society.

Art, Design and Mass Media Section

Irina Zheglova
CEO, Editor at Komsomolskaya Pravda in St. Petersburg Media Group.
Eduard Kochergin
Theatre set designer, writer, Chief artist of Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre, National RF Artist, laureate of State Prizes, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Emil Kapelush
Theatre set designer, sculptor, graphic artist, exhibition designer.
Pavel Rudnev
Theatre critic, Associate Professor and Assistant Rector at Moscow Art Theatre School, Associate Professor at Dadamian Higher School of Performing Arts and Raikin Higher School of Performing Arts.
Vasily Barkhatov
Opera stage director.
Tatyana Parfionova
Couturiere, President of Tatyana Parfionova Fashion House.
David Goloschekin
Jazz multi-instrumentalist, composer, Distinguished RF artists.
Vladimir Rannev
Composer, music historian, Professor at the St. Petersburg State University.
Sergey Duzhnikov
Designer, Chairman of the Board of St. Petersburg Union of Designers, head of DuSign studio, Assistant Professor at the Higher School of Creative Industry and Design of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
Olga Tobreluts
Artist, Honourary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts. Her works are owned by the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, MOMA in New York and others.
Anastasia Kuriokhina
Artistic Director at Segrey Kuriokhin Contemporary Art Centre.
Pavel Ignatyev
Sculptor, restoration artist, author of monuments to Domenico Trezzini (Russia, St. Petersburg, 2014) and Mikhail Bakunin (Bern, Switzerland, 2014).
Yury Molodkovets
Photographer artist at the State Hermitage Museum.
Regina Khidekel
Art historian, critic, curator, PhD in Art History, founder of the Russian-American Cultural Center (RACC) and the Lazar Khidekel Society (New York).
Sophia Rongonen (Gonobobleva)
Editor-in-chief of Relic (Renovation, Conservation, Museums) Magazine.
Marina Gisich
Founder and Director of Marina Gisich Gallery.
Lina Perlova
Founder of Bulthaup Design Gallery.
Oleg Mischenko
CEO of Baskrin Jewellery House.
Gleb Morev
Literary scholar, journalist, expert in the history of Russian literature of the 20th century.
Viktor Korentsvit
Archeologist, researcher of St. Petersburg history, author of 100+ articles and 'Summer Garden of Peter the Great'.
Margarita Smyshlyaeva
Head of Urban Awards in St. Petersburg.
Andrey Dobry
Vice-president of the Association of Realtors of St. Petersburg, Head of the Advertising and PR Committee of the Russian Guild of Realtors, editor of,,

Business Community Section

Gennadiy Shcherbina
President of Etalon Group.
Igor Levchenkov
CEO of ROCA GROUP in Russia and CIS.
Alexander Vakhmistrov
President of the Self-Regulating Organization Association of St. Petersburg Builders, Honourary President of the Union of Building Associations and Entities.
Alexander Portnov
CEO at Russky Fond Nedvizhimosti Real Estate Agency.
Fedor Diachkov
CEO at Alexander Nedvizhimost Real Estate Agency.
Denis Zasedatelev
CEO for operating business at Lenstroytrest Group.
Maxim Zhabin
Deputy CEO at LenRusStroy Building Corporation.
Alexey Belousov
CEO at the Self-Regulating Organization Association of St. Petersburg Builders.
Oleg Britov
Vice-president of the Russian Union of Builders for the North-Western Region, Executive Officer of the Union of Building Associations and Entities.

Qualification Committee

Anton Golovin
Architect, head of Golovin & Schröter Architectural Studio LLC, professor of the International Academy of Architecture (Moscow branch), member of the Board of St. Petersburg Union of Architects.
Andrey Surovenkov
PhD in Architecture, Head of the Department of Architectural Design of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU).
Oleg Klodt
Founder of Oleg Klodt Architecture & Design bureau, co-founder of O&A London design studio.
Irina Beloyarskaya
Architect, renovator, PhD in Architecture, Professor, Head of the Department of Restoration and Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage of Vologda State University, member of the Presidium of the Union of Renovators of Russia, member of the ICOMOS National Committee.
Elena Blinova
PhD in Art History, Professor at the Department of Art History and Pedagogy of Art of the Institute of Art Education of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.
Yulia Yankovskaya
PhD in Architecture, professor, Head of the Department of Urban Planning of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU).
Dmitry Narinsky
Professor of IAAM, Chairman of the Urban Planning Council of the Union of Architects of Russia.
Dmitry Orlov
Chief Architect at VTS-Project Company, professor at the Department of Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage, Academy of Construction and Architecture, Samara State Technical University.
Grigory Dainov
Architect, founder and head of DK architects Architectural Bureau (Yaroslavl).
Vladislav Kunin
Head of AFFlab-Foundation for the Architectural Future architectural and urban planning laboratory (Moscow), member of the Urban Planning Council of the Union of Architects of Russia.
Roman Leonidov
Architect, Head of Roman Leonidov architectural bureau (Moscow).
Tatyana Katilova
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nevskaya Palitra Artist Paint Factory (St. Petersburg).