The submission period for the 7th International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design will conclude on September 15, 2024. To date, over 500 applications from 40 countries have been submitted, with the largest number of projects coming from Brazil, India, Iran, Mexico, and Russia. The shortlist will be announced on October 15, and the winners' award ceremony will take place on November 15 at the State Hermitage Museum.

Chetuk training center for Krasnodar football team (Russia), RYMAR.STUDIO, “Best Implemented Project of Public Building or Facility” category.

The Golden Trezzini Awards aim to «museumify» projects of exceptional artistic value in architecture, design, restoration, set design, and exhibition design. Winning entries are transformed into museum exhibits, preserving and emphasizing their historical, cultural, scientific, and artistic significance. Both individual architects and designers, as well as large companies from around the world, are eligible to participate. Applications are submitted through the official awards website.

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen in Russia (Russia), The State Hermitage, exhibition design by Andrey Punin, “Best Implemented Project of Temporary or Permanent Museum Exposition” category.

Heart of Parma (Russia), Perm Academic Theatre, theatre set designer Masha Levina “Best Implemented Theatre Set Design” category.

No. Zero Building (Iran), TRD studio, “Best Implemented Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate” category.

In 2024, projects will compete in 18 main categories. Thanks to a partnership with the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, the winning projects will be showcased at the annual “Architecture as Art” exhibition, and after its conclusion, they will be added to the museum's permanent collection. Currently, an exhibition featuring the winners and finalists of the 2023 edition is taking place at the Gosudarev Bastion (the Sovereign Bastion) of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and will remain open to the public until September 17, 2024.

Exhibitions within the space of historical carriages (Russia), Museum of Russian Railways, “Best Implemented Project of Temporary or Permanent Museum Exposition” category.

Nasledie / “The Heritage” (Russia), А2 architectural bureau, “Best implemented capital construction project in St. Petersburg” category.

Peep Show Box hyperloop campus (United States), Farbod Yamani & Saman Macvand, “Best Project of Public Building or Facility” category.

The awards website also hosts an ongoing public vote, allowing visitors to choose the recipient of the People's Choice Award.

Skyhaven Residence (Lebanon), Blankpage Architects, “Best Implemented Project of Private Residence” category.

Implementation of the architectural lighting project for the Bulak channel in preparation for the 2024 BRICS summit in Kazan (Russia), Kazenergo JSC, PC Grad LLC, “Best Implemented Architectural Lighting Project in Russia” category.

Fireplace cladding in a Moscow apartment (Russia), Natalia Lapteva, “Best Implemented Façade or Interior Project Using Ceramics” category.

Established in 2018 under the auspices of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club, the Golden Trezzini Awards are named in honor of Domenico Trezzini (1670–1734), the first architect of St. Petersburg. The jury panel includes more than 200 experts from 33 countries. The top prize is the coveted Golden Trezzini statuette.

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