As announced by the Organizing Committee of the Golden Trezzini Awards, we are delighted to present a series of interviews with this season's nominees. Today we've got an interview with Ali Goljari Moghadam.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Thank you for joining us today, Ali. Congratulations on your nomination for the 2024 Golden Trezzini Awards! Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your design journey? How did you get started in architecture?

Ali Goljari Moghadam: I'm an architect from Ramsar, Iran. In 2021, I co-founded the Arvid design team, which brings together expertise in architecture and structural engineering. We're a two-person team, but our collaboration allows us to approach projects with a well-rounded perspective.

Golden Trezzini Awards: That's fascinating. Now, onto your inspirations. Which architects or designers, past or present, have influenced your work?

Ali Goljari Moghadam: Two architects stand out for me. First, there's Norman Foster. The Great Glasshouse at the National Botanic of Wales is a true inspiration. It showcases how innovative glasshouse design can contribute to sustainable development, which is a cause I deeply care about.

Another influential figure is Renzo Piano. His Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center in New Caledonia is a remarkable example of architecture that works in harmony with nature. The way it respects the Kanak village culture and integrates elements of their traditional huts is truly inspiring. It's a testament to the potential of sustainable architecture to seamlessly blend with the natural world.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Now, let's delve into your nominated project for the Golden Trezzini Awards. Can you tell us about Twoka?

Ali Goljari Moghadam: Twoka is a resting place for two people in northern Iran embodying the concept of empathetic design. It's a project designed to integrate seamlessly with nature and foster a deep connection with the environment.

The inspiration came from a bird with a beautiful orange beak. Twoka's design reflects the shape of a beak nestled within the mountain rocks, creating a unique and organic form. This residence is designed for two people and features a borderless environment. We've achieved this through the use of expansive, unbreakable glass, allowing for breathtaking panoramic views. To further emphasize the connection between humanity and nature, the walls are constructed from the very rocks of the mountain itself. It's a powerful symbol of our place within the natural world.

Minimizing disruption to the ecosystem was a core principle throughout the design process. We utilized local materials like iron, glass, and even existing trees on the site. These elements are incorporated throughout the floors and ceiling, creating a truly cohesive structure.

The project is situated in Katalam, Ramsar, Iran. Both the structural and architectural designs were meticulously considered to ensure a feasible and sustainable construction process. The design phase itself took about three months. Our primary focus was to create a peaceful environment that fosters a deep connection between the residents and the surrounding nature.

An interesting detail is that we were able to incorporate previously unusable stones into the design. This not only added a unique aesthetic element but also reflects our commitment to minimizing waste.

Golden Trezzini Awards: The project seems remarkable in many ways! What does being nominated for the Golden Trezzini Awards mean to you?

Ali Goljari Moghadam: It's truly an honor. The Award's motto, «Architecture as Art,» resonates deeply with me. Architecture is a form of art that endures, a legacy passed on to future generations. My team and I are always striving to push boundaries and create art through our designs, and this nomination is a tremendous recognition of our efforts.

I'd also like to express my gratitude to the Golden Trezzini Awards for providing a platform to showcase our work on an international stage. This exposure is invaluable for us.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Looking ahead, what are your plans for the future? Are there any exciting new projects you're working on?

Ali Goljari Moghadam: Absolutely! At Arvid, we're currently conceptualizing a project for a tower designed specifically for arid climates. This innovative project will utilize green architecture principles to meet all the tower's internal needs, including energy generation. It's a project that pushes the boundaries of sustainable design, and we're very excited about it.

Golden Trezzini Awards: That sounds like a groundbreaking project. To wrap it up, do you have any advice for aspiring architects and designers who want to succeed in this profession?

Ali Goljari Moghadam: My most important piece of advice is to actively engage with nature. Immerse yourself in the natural world, observe its patterns, and draw inspiration from its beauty. The more we can respect and integrate natural elements into our designs, the more we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Remember, architecture that coexists harmoniously with nature breathes life into structures. It's when we combine art with the vitality of natural elements that we create truly remarkable buildings.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Thank you so much, and good luck at the Awards ceremony in November!

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