The Futurist Residential Complex has been nominated for the Golden Trezzini Awards in a newly introduced category, «Best Implemented Capital Construction Project in St. Petersburg.»

This year, 2024, the Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design will be held for the 7th time. Along with the new category, a special award called «Crystal Trezzini» for the best implemented capital construction project in St. Petersburg was introduced for the first time.

Both the Futurist residential complex and the nearby renovated Levashovsky bread-baking plant have been included in the White Book of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club. In addition, the plant building has been honored with the prestigious Genius Petropolis Medal, named after Valentina Orlova (1946—2021), the first Chairwoman of the Board of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club.

Public voting is now open on the Golden Trezzini Awards website and will continue until October 30, 2024. This vote will determine the winner of the «People's Choice Award,» also known as the Premio del Pubblico. The award name pays tribute to Domenico Trezzini, the first architect of St. Petersburg, who was originally from Ticino, the Italian-speaking canton of Switzerland. Anyone can participate in the voting by visiting the website and clicking the «like» button on the Futurist Residential Complex project page.

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