In 2019, the international jury of the Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design was joined by Elsa Garavaglia, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

“I am honored to join the jury of the «Golden Trezzini Award,» said Elsa Garavaglia. “I think it is essential to encourage young people to present themselves to the «world» with new ideas on architecture and design, ideas that might result in possible future assets for the community; this award offers just this opportunity.” According to Mrs. Garavaglia, who studied every entry submitted by the nominees during the voting procedure, “…all the winner projects [have] very high level of performance.”

Elsa Garavaglia is a graduate of the Milan Polytechnical University where she works at the moment. M.Sc. in Architecture, author of two books and dozens of articles. Her sphere of interests include Solid Mechanics, Civil Engineering, Structural Reliability and Vulnerability, as well as Seismic and Other Risks Analysis. Mrs. Garavaglia reads courses on Statics and Risk Factors in Design, as well as Reliability and Vulnerability of Existing Buildings. Previously, Elsa Garavaglia visited Russia under Academic Exchange Program and worked as Professor at the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

The Milan Polytechnical University (Politecnico di Milano, Polimi) is the largest technical university in Italy, world-famous for its programs in the field of architecture, engineering and design. Polimi traces its history back to 1863. In 2019, the University took the 16th place in the list of technical universities of the world according to the rating of Top Universities compiled by Times Higher Education. In 2009, Italian researchers declared it to be the best in Italy in terms of scientific production, attractiveness for foreign students, and other. Today, over 40,000 students from across the globe take programs there.
The starting date for submission of entries to the International Golden Trezzini Awards will be announced in March 2020.

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