00 kWh

Best Project of Residential Estate

About the project
Self-sufficient residential complex built with CLT wood structure. The building sits on a reinforced concrete base destined for social use. Different floors rise from it, with a CLT structure that allocate common and residential uses. Wooden structure follows predetermined modulation pattern, both in plant & facade, favoring dry construction. The use of materials is based on circular economy and efficient installations have been applied. CO2 production has been studied, maximizing reduction.

Calle Ambaixador Irlés 32 y San Jaume 14, Alcoi, Spain

Project design year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and authors of the project
Alfaro Arquitectos, Carlos Alfaro Llorens & Borja Abellán Aracil.
We are two architect colleagues who have participated together in this project, both worried about sustainable architecture. Instead being part of different companies (Alfaro Architectos & Arqueha) we decided to present this common project unifying our different visions but common aim in order to mix efficiency but functionality and beauty at same time. Circular economy and energy saving in both construction and future living of our building is a must.

Status of the project
Conceptual design