AD Residence

Best Implemented Apartment / Private House Interior Design Project

About the project (provided by the applicant)
Located in the charming city of Viamão, in Rio Grande do Sul, this high-end interior project is a stunning example of contemporary architecture. With a design that values sophistication and comfort, the project harmonizes elegance and functionality in each environment.

The interior spaces are spacious and bright, with large windows that allow a generous amount of natural light and offer panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Noble materials such as marble, wood and steel are combined with precision to create an environment of discreet and timeless luxury.

The carefully selected furniture features clean, modern lines, complementing the contemporary aesthetic of the project. Unique design elements, such as local artwork and crafts, lend personality and authenticity to the spaces, while neutral accents and rich textures provide a warm, sophisticated environment.

Condominio Buenavista, Viamão RS, Brazil

Project implementation year

Mateus Monteiro, businessman and architect whose passion for design and creating surprising spaces has led him to stand out in the world of architecture.

Author of the project
Mateus Monteiro, Eduardo Borges

Status of the project

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.