Apartment in modern classical style at Plushchikha Street


Best Implemented Apartment / Private House Interior Design Project

About the project (provided by the applicant)

This project is a perfect combination of classics and up-to-date idea of comfort. The layout is really offbeat, but the finishing is quite conventional.

The color palette is neutral, with powdery hues, whereas deep and compound colors are used for vivid highlights.

The customers didn’t appreciate of the initial layout offered by the developer, and the designer offered them some options to choose. In the end, they opted for the one with a walk-through sitting room in the heart of the apartment.


Living at Plushchikha RE, Moscow, Russia

Project implementation year


Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)


Anastasia Vasilitsa, Head of Design at Tochka Design

Authors of the project

Designer Anastasia Vasilitsa, Tochka Design

Photos by Varvara Chesnokova

Stylistic design by Darya Ishkaraeva

Project status


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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.