Architectural lighting in Raduzhny RE


Best Implemented Architectural Lighting Project in Russia

About the project (provided by the applicant)

This project implemented in the town of New Urengoy is a vivid example of how dynamic urban development can go hand in hand with up-to-date architectural solutions. Comfortable and functional, the new district attracts attention thanks to its lighting system.

The lighting equipment was specially designed for this place. All the wiring is hidden under the finishing materials, which makes the buildings look quite harmonious.

Every element present here is part of a single composition which was invented to inspire and bewitch the residents and their guests.


Novy Urengoy, YNAO, Russia

Project implementation year


Project website

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project

Studio of Interactive Technologies

Project status


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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.