Bolon Sagrado

Best Art in Outdoor Public Space

About the project (provided by the applicant)
In the bustle of Mexico City, the iconic image of a Mayan skull emerges, a symbol of transformation and death rooted in the ancient Mayan culture. For the Mayans, the number 9 (Bolón) represents change and death, fusing the ethereal with the solid. This skull, an icon of Mexican culture, becomes a visual poem that unites two languages originating from Mexico. The colors adorn death, representing the duality of existence, while the spots form a butterfly, a symbol of renewal. According to tradition, the skull houses the souls of warriors and sacrifices, being a cohesive element of these symbols. It is a message loaded with sentiment and Mexican pride, celebrating life as a process of eternal transformation. As night falls, the symbols of life and death are still present in the star dance of the sky, remembering that death does not mark the end, but rather the beginning of a new stage in the infinite cycle of existence. It is a song to life, impregnated with the best Mexican style.

Mexico City, Mexico

Project implementation year

Project website

Extra visual materials

Adrian Gomez ART

Author of the project
Adrian Gomez ART

Other participants
Video: Andy Dominguez
Drone: Daniel Cuellar Flying Nick
Text: Adrian Gomez and JR. Fermin

Status of the project