Book Harbor library center

Best Design Project for Library

About the project (provided by the applicant):
The library is designed in the Sea Mile residential development near the Big Harbor of St. Petersburg. In the first place, the designer focused on young visitors of the Library Center. The well-lit and roomy entrance hall is a great place for socializing, and it has all the furniture and equipment necessary for individual work. The library is not big, but thanks to carefully designed layout it comprises a comfortable cloakroom, a media center, a room for occasions, and reading rooms, too. Multimedia displays on the walls will be used to broadcast information about different ports, ships, and people who took up a career of a maritime worker or a sailor.
The new center will definitely become an attraction for young people with its rich meanings and content.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project design year:

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.):

Daria Nosova, designer

Authors of the project:
Daria Nosova, designer

Project status:
Under construction

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