Bridging Knowledge: weaving knowledge with nature

Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project
Our proposal envisages an elevated bridge like ambulatory hovering above the ground allowing
unhindered access and movement of people at the park level while at the same time offering
spectacular vistas within the environs of Central Park. A set of cuboidal masses accommodating reading and interactive spaces are further interwoven and plugged in with the bridge ambulatory at intervals asand when required.
While negotiating the length of the ambulatory and transiting between the cuboidal masses, visitors constantly engage with the natural beauty of the park and its surrounding context. Structural system has as inherent flexibility to accommodate addition and subtraction of cuboidal volumes as well as to stretch over the park landscape in multiple configurations taking care of existing vegetation and landscape features.

Central Park, New York City, the USA

Project design year

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Applicants and author of the project
Nishi Shah, Jeet Shah, Nishad Kela
Project by Nishi Shah, Masters student at TU Delft.