Center for migrants 

Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The Migrant Center is a 5-floor building and basement, with an access plaza on the corner between two streets beginning with one floor and gradually expanding to reach 5 floors on the opposite corner, it also has access through the basement that connects to an adjacent park. The building is designed from a circular central square, which is the point that integrates all the spatial dynamics, and becomes one of the main meeting places in the migrant center, since it has visual control of all the spaces inside the building.

The building is composed of a soft organic facade that covers the building as if it were a blanket. This facade is composed of ETFE panels that open and close automatically according to weather conditions.

The design of the Migrant Center is structured based on three components: formal, spatial and socio-symbolic. The architectural program is defined based on 7 cores: Health, services, accommodation, education, culture, integration-meditation and thinking.

Bogotá, Colombia

Project design year

Extra visual materials

Michell Nicolas Cifuentes Romero

Michell Nicolas Cifuentes Romero: «I am an Colombian architect who obtained his bachelor's degree in 2016, I am currently finishing the master's degree in architecture at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts Ilya Repin, Russia (the project submitted for the Trezzini Awards is my master's degree project). I am interested in studying architecture as transformative of social processes, the study and logic of forms in the processes of design and sustainability as the axis of development of the architectural project.»

Author of the project
Michell Nicolas Cifuentes Romero

Other participants
Kondratieva Julia Olegovna, scientific supervisor

Status of the project
Conceptual design