Conservation of the 19th century Church of Epiphany

Best Implemented Restoration Project

About the project
The Epiphany church was built in 1862 and was consecrated in 1866. It is the oldest church in Gurugram and has a strong local and regional significance. It stands as a testimony to the colonial rule in India. It has Gothic style influences in architecture much of which are still intact. The church has continued to be in used for various religious and cultural events since its inception. There are about 400 families as regular members and about 200 individuals who visit the church. The project is a joint effort of the Church Committee and team adapt. Both had the common vision to prolong the life of the 19th century church without compromising the values attached to it. Since this project was completely funded by the church committee it was envisaged into the three stages based on the necessity of the intervention. Revival of traditional crafts was at the heart of this project. This project demonstrates a perfect example of community led project backed up best conservation practices.

Officer’s colony, Civil lines, Gurugram, Haryana, India

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials

The Church of Epiphany Pastorate Committee (Haryana) and adapt (New Delhi).
The Church of Epiphany is part of the Church of North India (CNI), specifically the Diocese of Delhi. The church caters to an eclectic mix of people associated with the traditional historicity of Gurugram, as well it’s modern identity as an information technology, financial and banking hub.
adapt is an organization offering technical assistance in the field of architectural design, heritage conservation, interpretation and research since past 10 years.

Author of the project
Rev Daman Derick Rodgers, D. D. Lal, Helen Harrison, Satish Samuel, Sundip Mathur, Robin Moses, Surbhi Anand Roy (Conservation Architect, adapt), Sidharth Roy (Conservation Architect, adapt).

Other participants
Project funding, monitoring and control: The Pastorate committee of the Church of Epiphany, Gurugram.
Conservation Consultant and contractor adapt, New Delhi

Status of the project


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Premio del Pubblico (People’s Choice) finalists, absolute winner and winners in the categories can be found here.