Culture Center in Bryansk


Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)

Bryansk stands on the Desna River, and the designed culture center will be integrated into the new embankment. It will both put into the spotlight the problems encountered by small towns and help Bryansk with its social and cultural development. The architectural solutions are inspired with natural and historical features of the town. Curved finishing refers to the Desna, and the bars of the facade – to the woods surrounding Bryansk. The center will include many options like a coworking, a media library, rooms for passive and active leisure, an exhibition space, a concert hall, an underground parking, and some administrative premises, too. 


Bryansk, Russia

Project design year


Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project

Valeria Androsova, architect

Project status

Design concept


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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.