Drama theatre

Best Design of Building or Facility by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The multifunctional entertainment complex is situated in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg, within the city's «gray belt.» It occupies the site of the cultural heritage complex «Instrumental Workshops» of the Phoenix plant. The heart of the complex is a drama theater, composed of three distinct volumes: the original heritage building, a new brick structure, and a white overlaying volume that unites the two. This third volume features gracefully arched walls of varying heights, finished with glass and white aluminum slats, which lend the building a sense of lightness and transparency. The architectural concept centers around the idea of an airy, ephemeral cloud resting upon the foundation of the two brick buildings.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project design year

Applicant and author of the project
Elizaveta Badmaeva, student of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Project status
Design concept

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