
Best Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The Edalat residential building project went forward from the beginning of the design with the concept of stacked boxes. In the middle of the design, we came to the conclusion to maintain integrity in this project by changing the shape of the box to an L shape and extending its floor extensions to the sides of the building.
In the main view of the fractures created in order to place the green space and respect the nature in front of this project, the trees are stretched to the height of the park in front of it.

Considering the hot and dry climate of Damghan city, the materials of the project have been considered brick and its different arrangements that strengthen the form and enhance the visual effect.

Edalat St, Damghan, Iran

Project design year

First architecture office

Authors of the project
Amirhossein Keykhosravi & First architecture office

Other participants
Project manager: Dr. AmirNezam Nasiri

Status of the project
Under construction