FITNESS DEPOT corporate fitness center

Best Implemented Project of Public Space

About the project
In 2019, the architects were approached with a challenging task of developing a project on engaging the employees of the Russian Railways Company into a closed sports community. The work resulted in a perspective fitness center network, comprising a network arena called Fitness Depot (a reference to a place where trains are repaired and maintained). The project included developing every aspect of a good franchise, from corporate identity and a brandbook to a guideline on typical interiors. Currently, the company indents to open 300+ fitness centers in Russia and abroad for 700+ thousand employees, who can attend the facilities free of charge.

Novaya Basmannaya Street 2/1, building 1, Moscow, Russia

Project implementation year

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Chernikov Arch.Team

Authors of the project
Chernikov Philipp, Skisov Michael, Dolina Julia, Dubrovskaya Julia