Hacienda Ojo de Agua

Best Implemented Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant)
Hacienda Ojo de Agua is an elegant event property located in Tesistán which took its name from a natural water source. 3,800.00 m2 of buildings are set on a 35,000.00 m2 area site. 

Tesistán, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

Project implementation year

Arq. Carlos Lassala Mozo, Arq. César Caicoya, Arq. Pablo Martínez Lanz, Arq. Humberto Mendoza

EQUILATERAL arquitectos is founded by four architects, 3 of them from México, and one more from Spain. With a long experience of more than 30 years in architecture, offices in Mexico city, Guadalajara and Bilbao, Spain.

Authors of the project

Other participants
Marcos Garcia, photographer

Status of the project

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.