Vernacular design for a health and surgery center in Mali

Best Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant):
This design proposal is functional, cost-effective, culturally appropriate and eco-safe. In Mali, they lack all kinds of resources, and that’s why proper architectural design can improve people’s life quality. This well-designed health and surgery center will take care of pregnant women and newborns, but will also have positive impact on the local community.
Cozy, respectful, and available premises can help with being empathic to those who live in unfavorable conditions, with understanding their specific needs. Moreover, integration of local cultural elements into the project will help the locals see the new hospital as part of their community.

Mali, Africa

Project design year:

Project website:

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.):

Montanez Victor Alfonso, student of MBA program at the European University of the Atlantic (Spain)

Authors of the project:
Montanez Victor Alfonso

Project status:
Design concept

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