Ibarbo Park — right side

Best Project of Public Space by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The development of a private tourist company site (named Ibarbo Park) that sells typical Yogyakarta goods, located on Jl. Magelang, is experiencing an identity crisis in terms of design, branding, and activities. Additionally, it faces challenges in attracting customers on Jl. Magelang.

Apart from that, Ibarbo Park must respond to a market that primarily consists of young people aged 17–25 years, budget-conscious tourists, and potential visitors traveling by car or bus along Magelang Street.

Therefore, the designer should:

  1. Understand what users want, as this will have a direct impact on their satisfaction.Increase income, as higher revenue will allow for further
  2. improvements, enabling the company to establish a sustainable economic cycle.
  3. Address consumer demand for nature-based experiences; aligning with consumer desires will help create new green open spaces in Ibarbo Park.
  4. Recognize the cultural interests of Yogyakarta's visitors, as catering to these preferences will help promote Yogyakarta’s culture while sustaining Ibarbo Park’s revenue.

Jl. Magelang No.Km 14, Jetis, Caturharjo, Kec. Sleman, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55515, Indonesia

Project design year

Extra visual materials

David Chow
A fast-track master architecture student + double degree program (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta & National Ilan University). I pursue my bachelor's degree in Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.
Academic Advisor: Khaerunnisa, Ph.D. (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta), Wei Lun Kuo, Ph.D. (National Ilan University)
Year of Study: 2nd Year in Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, 1st Year in National Ilan University

Author of the project
David Chow

David Chow

Other participants
Advisor: Dr. Rony Gunawan Sunaryo, S.T., M.T.

Status of the project
Conceptual design

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.

Voting open till November 3, 2025.