Renovation of Iran Kish Credit Card Company Central Building Lobby

Best Implemented Interior Design Project for Public Space

About the project (provided by the applicant)
These constructive interventions, require insertion of a part of the neighboring space (parking) and the use of physical changes as a new definition for the physical plan of space. A process that in the affiliation of black and white inherent shades of the materials and in company of green spaces, will be reminiscent of evolution in spite of contradiction to achieve integrity. The extension of gentle streaks of natural materials which are carried out in the building, added the pleasure of defining brief but specific details of the project in a way that makes it visible in the illumination of space. Physical form of the walls and the furniture of space are so harmonious to the rhythm of space that provides a flexible space for its future users, and there is no limitation in choosing the furniture for the space. Changing a disordered space into a well-arranged and formal to accomplish the important purpose of being evident and inviting creates a particular sense for the user.

Tehran, Iran

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials

Seyyed Hassan Alavizadeh, Simin Farhangi

Authors of the project
Seyyed Hassan Alavizadeh, Simin Farhangi

Amir Kheirkhah

Other participants
Design Team: Majid Pourmirali, Samine Javadi, Zahra Akbari
Electrical: Ghasem Solgi
Construction: Ahmad Parsa
Photographer: Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh

Status of the project

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.