Reconstruction of the Building of the Brothers Krestovnikovs' Factory Partnership 

Best Public Building or Facility Project 

About the project (provided by the applicant)
A new physical and conceptual implant that brings new life to the frozen-in-time building of the Brothers Krestovnikovs' factory in Kazan.  

Archaeological park  
Valuable historical artifacts are preserved in transparent safes embedded in the ground.  

Jewelry box  
The new structure recedes 2.5 meters inward from the existing walls. An air gap is formed between the old wall and the new volume. Around the perimeter, the ground surface is covered with a 2.5-meter-wide water lens. The geometry of the new form inside is defined by the historical boundaries of the building.  

The protrusions of the new volume catch the windows of the old walls and simultaneously support them. Rooms are located in these protrusions. At times, one of the surfaces reveals glimpses of life inside.  

Path of light 
All new spaces are filled with light openings. In every room, the presence of the historical factory is felt.  

133 Gabdulla Tukay Street, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia 

Project design year

Extra visual materials

Ruben Arakelyan  

Authors of the project
WALL Architectural Bureau (LLC «AB WALL»): Ruben Arakelyan, Hayk Navasardyan, Daria Nechaeva, Zarina Abdykadyrova, Denis Omelchenko, Alexey Abdulaev, Ivan Shchukin  

WALL Architectural Bureau (LLC «AB WALL»)  

SMU-88 Group of Companies  

Status of the project
Under construction

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.

Voting open till November 3, 2025.