Last Genocide

Best Architectural Design for Museum

About the project (provided by the applicant)
This proposal is an attempt to answer this question (when will genocide not be repeated? When all human beings from different cultures and races can talk to each other and accept each other's differences. In fact, through dialogue and acceptance, we can reach the stage of discovering human commonalities that are independent of color, beliefs, race and etc.
This structure has found a special semantic connection between the site and the subject of the monument. From a perspective, genocide means depriving some people of life, which is the natural right of all human beings, so we likened the green space and trees to life, where there is no life at the point where the monument is located. It is actually a monument to a tree that has the potential to grow and flourish but it dries up and is deprived of life.
Lost in this space, the audience has no outward view and can only see the sky that is shared everywhere. 

Tehran, Iran

Project design year

Extra visual materials

Orib studio, founded in 2019 by Vahid Sadraeifar in Qazvin, is a firm that prioritizes solving problems through thoughtful and creative design solutions. In addition to architectural projects and product design, Orib Group focuses on public architectural projects, with the approach of creating interaction, to improve the quality of public space.

Author of the project
Vahid Sadraifar

Other participants
Mahboobeh Shakeri, Ali Mokhtarifar, Sepideh Bayat, Somayeh Bahrami

Status of the project
Conceptual design