LLFP Meydan School

Best Implemented Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project
LLFP combines different cultures in one place. It asserts not only as a cluster of educational buildings but an institution designed to provide a holistic learning environment that promotes creativity and joy to users and visitors. The overall atmosphere of the school has a great impact on children's perception and understanding. The design and spaces give the school a positive image to provide a better learning environment for students. LLFP is a Lebanese school with a French system located in Dubai; three cultures coming together as one entity. We decided to use the basic units of learning — “Alphabets”, “Numbers”, and “Symbols” by turning the façade into a unique typographical screen that acts like a big canvas. With the option to change the 1x1m panel, letters can be arranged to present words or greetings to the public. This is strategically located, on the main elevation of the school along with direct sun-exposed elevations acting as a light breaker for a comfortable environment.


Project implementation year

Project website

Extra visual materials

LLFP Meydan.
The Lycée Lebanese Francophone Privé Meydan is an establishment with a French curriculum, approved by the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), from the small section to the final classes. Teaching and learning methods are in line with the directives of local educational authorities particularly those of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) and comply with the requirements of National Education programs.

Authors of the project
LLFP Meydan, Bassel Omara

LLFP Meydan

Status of the project