Local history museum in Sochi

Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project
This is a place where the local history is registered and where you can also meditate over the future. The author believes that local history centers could boost up the cultural growth in the regions.
The city of Sochi was chosen for a reason. It is the key place on Russia’s map where people from all over the county can learn some of the rich history of the Black Sea coasts and the Kuban, too. By the way, according to preliminary assessment, only 9% of the archaeological potential of this region have been unlocked.
The facility will comprise a hotel, a museum, and a restaurant. Despite many places in the Russian south only work in summer, in this case all-the-year-round operation is designed.

Akhun Mountain, Sochi, Krasnodar Region, Russia

Project design year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project
Vadim Koykov, student of St. Petersburg Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering