Maritime Museum of Brazil

Best Architectural Design for Museum

About the project
As a dive to cause the reflection to those who visit, in the maritime history, and the grandeur of the theme for the preservation of the environment and its waters. The project visually brings the fluidity found in the oceans, and also expresses a duality between waves and sails, in parallel with the first moored boats referring to the place that has always served it throughout its history, a pier. It fantasizes a journey across the sea through a 'vessel', where the visitor is protected by the inside of hulls, and on the outside he is confronted with this constant immensity, misaligned between the rising and falling of roofs and walls, a paradox that leads the visitor to face not only 'the sea' but his 'inner sea' as a symbolism that each one has to carry a part of the ocean “inside” itself in order to survive. The “inner sea” represents the soul, nature, emotions, the primordial things that we have within ourselves, such as the maritime history in the discovery of Brazil.

Boulevard Olímpico, Praça XV Centro, Túnel Pref. Marcello Alencar, S/N — Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Applicant and authors of the project
The Alana Canto team composed of Brazilian architects Alana Canto, Marcos Murilo Foregato, Nathalia Mello Ferracioli, graduated from UNIVALI — University of Vale do Itajaí. They work individually and in groups on scales ranging from architectural design, urban planning to interior design with the main portfolio in the south of the country.