Maternity Hospital

Best Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant):
The design of the maternity hospital is inspired by the concept of tiny baobab trees sprouting, symbolizing new life and growth. The central theme is the cycle of life, reflecting the continuous welcoming of newborns. The hospital features 22 rooms and two entrances.

The entrance located to the left is intended for women in labor and those in the final stages of pregnancy. Once inside, patients can enter the main reception area, which leads to their assigned rooms. The entrance to the right is for women in early pregnancy, who will come for consultations and examinations. This entrance leads to another reception desk and a waiting area. Additionally, the roof incorporates a rainwater collection system with filters for water purification.


Project design year:

Project website:

Maxim Matveev

Author of the project:
Matveev, A. Shkatulova

Project status:
Design concept

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