Interuniversity Culture and Leisure Centre on Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment

Best Architectural Project by a Student

About the project
The project includes the creation of a garden at the end of the green alley along the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment. The garden will become a «buffer zone» between the historical buildings of Vasilievsky Island and the industrial buildings of the Baltic Shipyard.

The site consists of three parts: a museum and exhibition complex located in a shop of the former Red Nailer Plant with a famous water tower, a sports complex with a gym and a swimming pool to the east, and a public and business centre with a concert hall.

All these buildings are interconnected by an open gallery, which is accessible both from the garden and the buildings.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project design year

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Applicant and authors of the project
Elena Sotnikova, graduate of Repin St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture