Michurinsky Prospect Metro Station

Best Constructed Public Building or Facility

About the project
At this station, maintenance facilities, usually hidden from view, are placed above the ground because of the specifics of the line and the local terrain. Still, the metro platform is located underground. This is how extensive blind facades appeared, letting the graphics outside and connecting the internal spaces and outside surfaces into a single picture. Bright red and orange colors of ripe fruit and silhouettes of apple trees in bloom – this is the first association, related to the name of Ivan Michurin, a famous Russian plant breeder and biologist, whose name is referred to by the prospect and the same-named station.

Corner of Michurinsky Prospect and Udaltsov Street, the Ramenki District, Moscow, Russia

Project implementation year

Project video

Applicant and authors of the project

Metrogiprotrans JSC