Modern residential villa

Best Project of Private Residence

About the project
This project is considered one of the residential projects with modern designs. This project is characterized by being feasible and provides many advantages in lighting, ventilation, and the clean air surrounding the project site due to the vegetation cover, which is part of the efforts made in protecting the natural plant environment. This type of project provides psychological comfort to its residents due to its modern design, especially in regions with a hot climate; in addition to that, it simulates the culture of the society in specific connotations. On the other hand, this project simulates the architect Frank Lloyd Wright's waterfall house.
Finally, I can say that it is an attempt to create a modern style in residential architecture in areas where classical architecture almost completely dominates.

Taiz Street, Hodeidah, Yemen

Project created in

Applicant and author of the project
Hamzah Anwar Abdo Ali Noman: «I am an architecture student at Sana'a University, Yemen, and before that, I love the architecture field without limits, and I have a great ambition to achieve an important achievement in my major».