Futuristic Hotel Complex «Lunar City»

Best Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The buildings in the hotel complex are interconnected by passages at different heights, which simplifies movement and enhances structural integrity, as they form a unified, cohesive structure.

Inner courtyards at various levels are situated between the buildings, providing open-air spaces for walking. These areas can also accommodate cafés.

To ensure natural lighting, the platforms feature round glazed openings (light wells), giving the surface a resemblance to lunar craters. This design element harmonizes with the hotel's name, «Lunar City.»

At different levels, silent electric street-cleaning robots can operate at night. Similar Russian-made devices have been tested in Moscow.

Moscow, Russia

Project design year

Stanislav Morgun
Architect-designer specializing in exhibition stand design, with over 2,000 developed projects and hundreds of completed ones over 17 years.

Author of the project
Stanislav Morgun

Stanislav Morgun

Status of the project
Architectural concept

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Voting open till November 3, 2025.