Museum of Language

Best Architectural Design for Museum

About the project
The project critically looks into the museum as typology and tries to redefine it by subverting the relationship between the subject (the visitor) and object (the display). The spaces from the ground up to the 2nd-floor area of interactive nature and the lower ground is dedicated for the exhibits and archival activities. The overall arrangement of the program on the site and volumetric placement takes its cues from the historical development of the language. The basement houses permanent galleries of language, divided as per the genetic classification of language into families and a dedicated space for the archive. The first floor takes the second level of language engagement that is the focused speech. This level has an auditorium and seminar rooms. The top level of the museum houses the most advanced form of language, the written text/script. This floor is dedicated to a library with audiovisual facilities and learning centers.

North Woolwich pier, London, the UK

Project design year

Applicant and authors of the project
Metropolitan Studio of Architecture (MSA)
Based in the heart of the culturally opulent metropolis of Lahore, the Metropolitan Studio of Architecture is a studio of architects, interior designers, visualizers, and thinkers. The unique design approach of the MSA is based on two uncompromised features of practice; the development of a sustained line of inquiry and a multi-disciplinary approach to generating discourse.

Project status
Conceptual design


Thank you for your participation and support of the nominees!

Premio del Pubblico (People’s Choice) finalists, absolute winner and winners in the categories can be found here.