Nikolay Rerich Entertainment and Creativity Center


Best Architectural Design for Museum

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The Center called after Rerich is an international training, entertainment, and museum unit located in Bishkek and bordering on three parks at once.

It is a 5-level building featuring the organic architecture style. Levels 1-3 house Rerich Museum, the Training Center of Arts, the library, the restaurant, the depository, and staff rooms. Levels 4 and 5 contain the concert and theater auditorium seating 200 visitors, the planetarium capable of 120 people, as well as sightseeing platforms that offer great views of the local parks.

The shapes of the building repeat the contours of the mountains Rerich loved painting so much. It is a tribute to the artist’s cultural and spiritual mission.


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Project design year


Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)


Space Design Center, architectural bureau 

Authors of the project

Architects D. Vedernikov and N. Balanina

Project status

Working drawings

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