Old building made an art museum with the Art Academy — restoration project


Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The old building that is to be restored is the Manor of Tchelishchev in St. Petersburg. The author wants it to become a cultural entertainment center with a museum affiliated with the Art Academy.

The center will house restoration and art studios, a children’s art center, multifunctional rooms, and a spacious auditorium. Moreover, there will be cloakrooms, ticket offices, meeting places for visitors, recreation spots, and cafes. All the mounted structures rest on the supports of their own, so they don’t interfere with the historic facades. Every piece that is subject of protection will be preserved and restored in compliance with the references.


St. Petersburg, Russia

Project design year


Applicant and author of the project

Yulia Kolmykova

Project status

Design concept

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