Outdoor sculptures at Park of Lights in Guryevsk

Best Implemented Architectural Lighting Project in Russia

About the project
The nearly nine-hectare park is located in Guryevsk. It opened on June 1, 2024 and has already become the most visited and popular public space in the Kaliningrad region. During the day, the park is a picturesque place with an emphasis on nature, and at night, it turns into a “kingdom of light”. The park features a number of outdoor structures, such as a honeycomb dome, a “windcatcher” at the embankment, and an original light cube, which attracts visitors both day and night.

Guryevsk, Kaliningrad Region, Russia

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Vera Arkhipova, Alphamet LLC

Author of the project
Sheregeda consulting и dot.bureau

Project status

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