Patio Corleone Restaurant

Best Implemented Interior Design Project for Public Space

About the project
Patio Corleone is a restaurant in the semibasement part of the high rise house. The key feature of the project is pretending that artefacts from the old times were discovered while the tower was being built – from the Old Rome or Pompeii. The natural materials are in the spotlight, sandstone supported with elegant cast iron columns. Wooden structures in the bar are accompanied by ceramic granite tiles, which imitate natural marble.
The restaurant lit by natural and artificial light is a great place for noisy family gatherings and quiet restful dinners. The large children’s room with a nurse is ready to welcome the smallest visitors.

Stavropol, Russia

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project
Andrey Doynitsyn, architect